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Guide to SWIFT MT103 and How to Obtain It
Updated over 4 months ago

What is MT103, and what is its purpose?

An MT103 is a standardized international payment message used within the SWIFT network. It serves as proof of payment for wire transfers and is commonly used to communicate payment details between banks.

Think of it as a "receipt" for international money transfers, ensuring that all the necessary information about the sender, receiver, and the transaction itself is included. It is especially useful for tracking payments and resolving disputes because it provides a detailed record of the transaction.

What information does an MT103 contain?

An MT103 includes specific fields that provide essential details about a transaction. Below is a table summarizing the key fields and their definition:

Field Number

Field Name


Transaction Reference Number


Value Date/Currency/Amount


Currency/Amount of Charges


Ordering Customer


Ordering Institution


Sender's Correspondent


Receiver's Correspondent


Intermediary Institution


Account With Institution


Beneficiary Customer


Remittance Information


Details of Charges (BEN / OUR / SHA)


Sender to Receiver Information

How to Download MT103/Transaction Receipts for Transfers from Aspire Multi-Currency Accounts?

Only the following users have the access to download the MT103 or transaction receipt:

  • All users who are granted permission to make or submit transfers (Admin, Finance with transfer rights users, and Finance with submit-only rights users).

  • Employees who are budget owners

To download a copy of the MT103 or transaction receipt, you may follow the steps by steps below.

  1. On your Aspire dashboard, click "Transactions" in the left navigation bar (web app) or click "Transactions" and choose "Bills" (mobile app). Next, search for the relevant transaction.

    If you're searching for a SWIFT transaction to download an MT103, you may filter down the transaction by following the format below:​

    1. Source of Fund: Choose the relevant multi-currency account

    2. Transaction Type: Debit Transaction

  2. Select the transaction you are looking for

  3. In the transaction details panel, click the "Download" button. You will be given the option to download the MT103 or transaction receipt

Note: You may not find the MT103 if the transaction is not a SWIFT transaction. Therefore, you can only download the transaction receipt.

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