看不見 “Submit a transfer” 按鈕
“Submit a transfer” 按鈕不可見的其中一個原因可能是您的 Aspire 賬戶被暫停使用了。 Aspire 會持續審查所有賬戶,以確保其符合我們的內部政策。
請注意:交易可能會受到中介銀行的審查,並受當地法規和政策的約束。如果交易被拒絕並退回,Aspire 不承擔因此產生的任何資金損失。
錯誤信息 | 解決方案 |
Incorrect characters in the account number, we recommend re-checking the number. | 檢查賬戶號碼,確保移除所有空格或特殊字符 |
Account number entered does not meet the country rules. | 檢查輸入的賬戶號碼,因為大多數國家對銀行賬戶號碼的格式有特定規定(如長度、允許的字元) |
Invalid special characters in the account number. | 檢查賬戶號碼,確保移除所有空格或特殊字符 |
Account number is shorter than the national rules. | 仔細檢查賬戶號碼是否缺少任何數字。目標國家的賬戶號碼長度應更長 |
Account number is longer than the national rules. | 檢查是否有多餘的數字。目標國家的賬戶號碼長度應更短 |
The bank code and account number are shorter than the country definition. | 仔細檢查賬戶號碼和銀行代碼是否缺少任何字符 |
The bank code and account number are longer than the country definition. | 仔細檢查賬戶號碼和銀行代碼是否有多餘的字符 |
The bank code and account number contain special characters. | 檢查賬戶號碼和銀行代碼,確保移除所有空格或特殊字符 |
The bank code cannot be found in our global database. | 您輸入的銀行代碼不被支持。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認銀行代碼或提供新的收款人信息 |
The bank code has invalid characters. | 檢查銀行代碼,確保移除所有空格或特殊字符 |
The bank code is invalid. | 您輸入的銀行代碼不被支持。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認銀行代碼或提供新的收款人信息 |
The bank code is shorter than the country definition. | 仔細檢查銀行代碼是否缺少任何字元。目標國家的銀行代碼長度應更長 |
The bank code is longer than the country definition. | 仔細檢查銀行代碼是否有多餘的字元。目標國家的銀行代碼長度應更短 |
With the details that you have entered we are unable to find the bank. | 我們無法辨識收款人銀行。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
Check country code - Country Code does not match BIC | 收款國家與輸入的銀行代碼不符。請重新確認收款人的國家和銀行代碼 |
Check country code - Country Code for BIC and IBAN does not match | 輸入的銀行代碼和 IBAN 不屬於同一國家。請重新確認輸入的收款人信息 |
Beneficiary bank account number is invalid. | 您輸入的賬戶號碼不正確。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
錯誤信息 | 描述 |
With the details that you have entered, there is no match with an account owner. | 根據您輸入的詳情,我們無法找到有效的銀行賬戶。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
Please review the beneficiary details entered. | 根據您輸入的詳情,我們無法找到有效的銀行賬戶。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
Check data entered - Missing Given Name and Surname | 請填寫收款人的名字和姓氏 |
Check Name - Given Name or Surname is too long. | 請確保您輸入了正確的名字和姓氏。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情 |
With the details you have entered, account number was invalid. | 您輸入的賬戶號碼不正確。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
With the details you have entered, routing number was invalid. | 您輸入的路由號碼不正確。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認路由號碼 |
Check Account Type - Invalid Account Type. | 輸入的賬戶類型不正確。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其賬戶類型 |
The routing number/account number provided is NOT available to receive transactions. | 您輸入的路由號碼或賬戶號碼無法接收轉賬。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
The routing number/account number provided was not located in the available data sources. | 根據您輸入的詳情,我們無法找到有效的銀行賬戶。請聯絡您的收款人以重新確認其詳情或提供新的收款人信息 |
This payment uses a jurisdiction that we are unable to make a payment to. | 我們無法向收款國家支付款項 |
錯誤 | 描述 |
Payment reference is invalid | 請檢查輸入的付款參考,移除任何特殊字符 |
Date must be a real date | 輸入的日期無效 |
Date in incorrect format. Should be yyyy-MM-dd | 請按正確的格式輸入日期:yyyy-MM-dd |
Amount must be numeric | 請檢查輸入的金額,移除任何空格或特殊字符 |
Max of 2 decimal places allowed for amount | 請檢查輸入的金額,最多只允許兩位小數 |
The name is incomplete please enter full name | 請輸入收款人的全名 |
The name is incomplete please enter full name and not initials | 請輸入收款人的全名 |
The text was too long and has been truncated | 文字超出了字元限制。部分字元已被截斷 |
Please check the date entered. Only a future date is allowed. | 輸入的日期無效。只允許輸入未來日期 |
錯誤信息 | 描述 |
With the details that you have entered we are not able to find the best route. | 我們無法向這些詳情發送付款。請聯絡您的收款人以提供新的賬戶信息 |
如有其他疑問,請登入您的 Aspire 賬戶並聯絡我們的客服團隊。