Wise Integration Steps
Note: Only businesses registered in Singapore can integrate the Aspire SGD Account with Wise. To explore alternative international payment options from your SGD Account, please click here.
Both the Aspire user (must be an Admin user) and the Wise user involved in this integration must be the same person. Admin users can follow the video or the step-by-step guide below on integrating Aspire SGD Account with Wise:
1. Login and click 'Make a transfer'
2. Add a 'New recipient' and select "Other Currencies"
3. Once you've added the new recipient details, you will be prompted to initiate your Wise integration
4. Select the option to link your Aspire account with an existing Wise account, or create a brand-new Wise account through Aspire.
Notes: If you change your password on Wise's platform, the integration will stop working. If this happens, please chat with our Support Team by logging in to your Aspire Account so we can help re-activate the integration for you.
Integrating Wise with Second Aspire Account
If you have multiple Aspire accounts for different businesses, you can link them to one Wise account. The Wise account must have multiple business accounts matching your business' UENs.
Follow the steps below to successfully integrate your second Aspire account with your existing Wise account (for Admins only):
Login to Wise and create a business account for your other business (if you don't have it yet)
Open Aspire. select your un-integrated Aspire account.
Go to SGD account, click 'Make a transfer' and select a foreign currency.
Choose 'New Recipient' and click on 'Connect to Aspire'
Select your second or newly created Wise business account and follow the steps to complete the setup.
Aspire-Wise Integration Timeframe
It can take up to 2 working days to integrate your Aspire account with your Wise account.
Troubleshooting Wise Integration Issues
Reason 1: Wise's Acceptable Use Policy
One common reason is that Wise does not support a number of business activities as per Wise's Acceptable Use Policy. You can view this FAQ to learn more details on our alternative solution to send FX.
If you have pending payments or remaining balances in your Wise account, we will cancel and return any money that has been received back by the way it was sent.
Reason 2: Different email addresses
Please make sure that you use a unique email address for every new Wise integration. We strongly advise that the Aspire user and Wise user involved in this integration must be of the same person.
This email address should not have been used for a Wise business account previously. If you have multiple Wise business accounts associated with the same email address, your transfers made via Wise might be rejected.
Reason 3: Your account balance is $0
When you perform the integration for the first time, do ensure that your account has a balance above $0. Otherwise, you will face an error message preventing you from making a transfer.
Questions? Chat with us by clicking on the messenger icon at the bottom right of the screen once you are logged in.